A Tiny Stumble, A Life Upended

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A Tiny Stumble, A Life Upended

There are preventive measures against illnesses that come with aging as body functions declines due to rapid cell death. However, small but life changing events like falls are over-looked. Statistics show that over 2.5million Americans are treated in the emergency room due to falls, with over 200,000 Americans dying from falls in a decade. Dr. Mary, a geriatrician says, 25% of falls among the elderly cause hip fractures and death within an year especially among those who were ill or frail before the fall.

Mrs. Rees takes pride in being independent like taking a walk around the block even at her old age. Sometimes over-looking dangers around them like rugs, bathtubs, staircases or even their own pets. Some, like Mrs. Rees, hide previous falls which would have gotten them help like balance classes and close monitoring of their hydration status. Just like Mrs. Rees, many blame themselves after a fall even though they are not to blame. The truth is, some causes of falls may not even pose as a danger at that time. Recovery is a painful, frustrating process as Mrs. Rees would discover, with major life changes. From having to live with family, to using a walker. The painful recovery brings down their spirits and some may turn to measures which if not monitored become life-threatening like overdose to deal with pain.

Seeking professional help like the physiotherapist in Mrs. Rees’s case fastens recovery. They get back to their daily activities like walks around the block. Their peers may get fear overfalls, but they are able to take necessary preventive measures. As we take major preventive measures against illnesses let’s not forget to check on the simple life changing events like falls.



Work cited

Rahimian, Ramin. “A Tiny Stumble, A Life Upended.” The New York Times 2014: 1. Web. 5 June 2021.