Antibiotics Part C (i,ii,iii, iv and v)

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Antibiotics Part C (i,ii,iii, iv and v)

Several things have been done well in the brochure. To begin with, it is well written with the information presented in a manner that is easy to read and comprehend. There is also no use of technical or medical terms that would hinder the target audience’s understanding or ability to recall the contents included. Prawesti et al. (2018) assert that health brochures are promotional documents and should always be written in a language that is easy to understand and remember for the target audience.

Despite the effectiveness of the brochure, it could have included some in-text references to show that the assertions being made are based on facts.

The topic generated interest given the increase in aspects where some bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. This is something that can easily result in increased bacterial related deaths if not properly addressed (Luepke et al., 2016). People also have this misconception that it is their body that becomes resistant to the medicine. As a result, there is more education that is needed in this regard.

The brochure entails very useful and beneficial information that can easily be merged in patient targeted education to help in improving antibiotics related literacy. It provides relevant information on how to handle antibiotics in order to ensure that they become effective and avoid future detrimental negative effects.

As outlined above, the information in the brochure is clearly presented. It commences with facts for the said topic to help capture the attention and interest of the target audience.  This is important since it determines whether there will be an interest in proceeding to check the rest of the information. There are also directions on when to consider using antibiotics and the dos and don’ts that are clearly specified.


Luepke, K. H., Suda, K. J., Boucher, H., Russo, R. L., Bonney, M. W., Hunt, T. D., & Mohr, J. F. (2016). Past, Present, and Future of Antibacterial Economics: Increasing Bacterial Resistance, Limited Antibiotic Pipeline, and Societal Implications. Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy, 37(1), 71–84.

Prawesti, I., Haryanti, F., & Lusmilasari, L. (2018). Effect of Health Education Using Video and       Brochure on Maternal Health Literacy . Belitung Nursing Journal, 4(6), 612–618.