Caring for Patients

Patient Falls Worksheet
April 23, 2024
Increasing Medication Compliance in Psychiatric Patients
April 23, 2024
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Caring for Patients

How the deinstitutionalization policy has affected inpatient psychiatric care

Deinstitutionalization policy led to the discharge of mentally ill patients from state-owned hospitals and moved them to community health centers leading to the number of patients in state-run hospitals reducing with a very high number. Most of the state hospital was close since there were no patients or a meager amount of patients. Long term inpatient care facilities reduced permanently.

How the policy affects the roles of psychiatric social workers in providing care for patients with mental illness

The character social workers start focusing on enhancing rehabilitation, independence, and recovery of patients to prevent negative influence of extreme mental illness which includes substance abuse, homelessness, hospitalization, and other undesirable consequences.

Considering the policy, explain the challenges and issues caregivers face when caring for individuals with mental illness

Caregivers encounter emotional distress, need for education and information on how to handle the spiritual people. They also undergo psychological and physical stress while taking care of the sick. High level of unpredictability on mentally ill individuals has demanded a high level of vigilance.

Identify three resources (provide name and web address) available in your local area (county or state) to support patients with mental illness and caregivers

Creedmoor Psychiatric Center (

Is a psychiatric center located in Winchester Boulevard in Queens Village New York, United States?

Manhattan Psychiatric Center (

Is a psychiatric center Wards Island in New York City.

McDowell Center for Children (

Locate in Dyersburg, Tennessee.

Explain whether these resources are adequate to meet the needs of mental illness patients and caregivers. Justify your response.

McDowell center has a capacity of 28 beds and only endorses male patient between the age of 12 and 18. This facility is built to support and rehabilitate young adults who are suffering from mental illness.

Manhattan Psychiatric Center has a bed capacity of 509. It is 17 stories building with an ample space to hold a significant number of mentally ill people.

Creedmoor Psychiatric Center hosts both inpatient and outpatient individuals suffering from mental illnesses. It has more than 50 buildings and covers an area of more than 300 acres.

The above mentioned mental facilities are capable of meeting the needs of both the mentally ill individuals and their caregivers. It is because of the adequate number of beds in the faculties. Currently, these psychiatric centers are not full of patient, and therefore the can hold more.