CBT Assignment

Cognitive Behavioural Theory
April 23, 2024
Clinical Decision Making
April 23, 2024
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CBT Assignment

CO: Would you forgive Amy and give another girl a chance?

[Comment: To determine whether he is ready to let go of the past and if he has any hope for better future]

CL: The experience has been traumatizing and I wonder if she ever cared for me. I don’t think I would forgive her soon since she left me when I was in trouble. I do not intend to have another girl until I secure a good job as Amy made me believe that good girls will come to those with money.

CO: What if a lot of money does not come soon but Amy offers to come back?

CL: I don’t know but since I loved her I would take time to think about it but ultimately I would consider taking her back.

CO: Apart from the breakup with Amy which other relationship could you have lost that meant a lot to you?

[Comment: To measure whether he could be having some attachment to other experiences that may be affecting his life to date]

CL: Of course! The loss of my father who was the only person who genuinely cared for me. He made me feel loved and highly appreciated.

CO: What did he do to make you feel special?

CL: Despite his busy schedule he always created time for us together. I think if he did not die, my life could be better.

CO: Really? What do you think your father could have done for you at such a time?

CL: My dad could have given me the best advice because he was once a boy my age. He could have advised me on the best ways of dealing with rejection.

CO: Now that your father is not around, would you consider talking to your mother over the issues that you are facing?

[Comment: To further analyze whether the client is ready to mend previous frustrations and disagreements and his perception on unlovability]

CL: A big no. I can’t and won’t let her know my grievances. By telling her my problems, I will only be confirming to her she was right all along. I don’t believe she would be of any help to me at the moment. She would bring back the looser label.

CO: Apart from your mother who would you share your current experiences with?

CL: My sister is the only person I can talk to me but I don’t think she may offer me much help because she may not have experienced the same.

CO: What is your religion?

[Comment: To understand if has strong religious beliefs and how he considers them useful in addressing his misery]

CL: I am a Christian and catholic by denomination.

CO: Do you think your religious differences with Amy could have affected your relationship?

CL: Somehow.  I was unable to attend church services because she did not like going to church. She was an atheist so sometimes she questioned my faith especially when I lost my job.

CO: Did you ever have any discussions regarding religious beliefs and practices?

CL: No. I acted as if everything was alright until I could not go to church anymore.

CO: Do you think you would use the chance that you after separating with Amy to get back to church and build your relationship with God?

CL: I am thinking about it and it would be a good idea though not easy.

CO: When is the last time that you were in church?

[Comment: To investigate change in routine behavior of the patient]

CL: I have not been to church for over 6 weeks now.

CO: Are you angry with God?

[Comment: To further test his level of frustrations, and the unworthiness and unlovable feeling]

CL: Somehow I am not happy with him. He seems unfair to me since he allowed me to lose my father, Amy, and my job. Plus he allowed me to be born of a mother who hates me so much.

CO: Do you believe that God loves you?

CL: I am not sure because he has let so much come my way.

CO: As a Christian, forgiveness is one of the key principles that are taught. Do you subscribe to it?

[To test whether he is ready to forgive and take personal responsibility over his life]

CL: I am not ready to forgive until I understand why life has been so unfair to me. I am seeking to understand why every negative thing happens to me touching the most sensitive areas of my life.

CO: Do you have special skills or talent?

CL: I am not sure about.

CO: If you realized you had a special skill would you use it to create a more permanent job?

CL: I would be extremely happy to get such an opportunity. Following my experience at work, I would take my job seriously.

CO: Don’t you think your previous challenges at work and in your relationship with Amy would be preparing you on how to handle your future?

CL: I am not sure about that but I would say I am wiser. I may not put so much hope on anything or anyone but I can give my best.

CO: Would you consider psychological help to deal with your challenges?

[Comment: To determine whether he is genuinely seeking for psychological help and whether he would be ready to comply with the standards]

CL: (long silence)….. Mmmh! Yes I would consider. That is the reason I am here.

CO: Do you struggle with following instructions?

CL: No. If guided properly on what to do, I do it accordingly.

CO: Do you have experience with following instructions from a stranger outside work and school?

CL: No. I have not been in such a situation.

CO: What do you know about mentorship?

CL: I know it is about getting someone to walk with when seeking to succeed in a certain area.

CO: Have you had a mentor in your life?

CL: Yes. My dad was my mentor. He took time to expose me to life by teaching me basic things of life.

CO: Would you allow another person to take you through life and teach you more on how to deal with challenges that may arise?

[Comment: Build confidence that all is not lost and negative experiences would be changed]

CL: Breaks silence…. Yes I would consider such an offer. I would wish to experience love and comfort that I had when my father was alive.

CO: Are you willing to change your perspective on God’s love and the idea that you suffer more than any other person?

CL: Yeah. I would love to

CO: Are you available for counseling sessions?

CL: Since I am not working, I can attend sessions easily.

[Comes to the end]