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Cognitive Behavior Therapies: Case Analysis
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Depression is a mental disorder that substantially contributes to the world’s disease burden and impacts almost all individuals in their lifetime. The worldwide prevalence of the disease has been on the rise in recent years (Hidaka, 2012). The average prevalence in women is about 20% while for men it is 12% for men. This trend is worrying because depression is a noteworthy determinant of a quality life but has accounted for nearly half the number of psychiatric visits and 12% of healthcare admissions (Kuo et al., 2015). In order to write on this topic, I researched found a credible article detailing information about depression titled, “Depression Central: Tell Me All I Need to Know About Depression.”

Depression is a common mental disorder that affects people of all age groups characterized by low moods, loss of interest, fatigue, feelings of despair and worthlessness and loss of appetite (APA, 2020). Depression is brought about by several factors including the biochemical make up of an individual, genetics, personality and environmental factors (Levinson, 2006). There are many ways to treat the disorder depending on the severity and duration of the illness. Medication using antidepressants which affect the brain’s neurotransmitters is one way to treat the condition. Another intervention used to manage depression in combination with medication is therapy. This includes therapy forms such as cognitive behavioral and dialectical behavior therapy. Modern alternatives include surgically placing a brain stimulating device inside the neck of a patient. However, physicians recommend that all these interventions be supported by healthy habits such as a balanced diet, enough sleep, self-care and regular physical exercise (Soriano, 2021). Depression can be occur recurrently in what is known as depression episodes. Depression may last a couple of weeks or may take years depending on treatment and lifestyle aspects.



APA. (2020). What Is Depression?. Retrieved 7 May 2021, from

Hidaka, B. (2012). Depression as a disease of modernity: Explanations for increasing prevalence. Journal Of Affective Disorders140(3), 205-214.

Kuo, D., Tran, M., Shah, A., & Matorin, A. (2015). Depression and the Suicidal Patient. Emergency Medicine Clinics Of North America33(4), 765-778.

Levinson, D. (2006). The Genetics of Depression: A Review. Biological Psychiatry60(2), 84-92.

Soriano, K. (2021). Depression Types, Causes, Symptoms, Statistics, & Treatment. – Mental Health Treatment Resource Since 1996. Retrieved 7 May 2021, from