Health Assessment RUA

Abortion Final Paper
April 29, 2024
Health History
April 29, 2024
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Health Assessment RUA


Health assessment lessons enabled me to how to approach the patient, make the patient feel at ease during the interview and collect relevant data. AR was very easy to talk to, a good listener, friendly and gave relevant answers to the question. There was no language barrier as he understood and spoke fluent English. He understood the questions asked. During the interview, AR received few phone calls but he explained that he was on call at work and asked to be pardoned. These interactions prevented the interview from being smooth and therefore more time was taken to collect relevant data than previously anticipated.

Even though many at times, grandparents’ history is usually left out, AR was very informed on the subject. He gave very detailed information concerning medical history of his relative to the best of his knowledge. This was helpful especially in understanding pre-disposing risk factors to his condition. It will also be relevant in developing preventive measures for him for chronic illnesses, which he may be genetically exposed to.

In future, data on any current medications they may be on, including over-the counter drugs as well as drug adherence if they are under any prescribed medication would be relevant to collect. Information concerning the patient’s nutritional habits, sleep and physical exercise is also relevant.


Even though AR had a relatively healthy childhood, genetic factors have placed him at risk of various diseases. He takes good care of his health by attending medical-check-ups annually. He has no cultural, religious or developmental restrictions that would make his care plan difficult. His well understood medical and family history from childhood will make it easier to develop a care plan that best suits him.