One Way ANOVA Statistical Test In Nursing Research
April 19, 2024
Healthcare Communication Techniques
April 19, 2024
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  1. Strategic planning;

A strategic plan is an action aimed at achieving a particular goal or target. Strategic control concepts are integrated strategy development chapters known as strategy momentum whereby strategy momentum is the pace at which a plan of action is set to be achieved. It is believed this approach better reflects on how strategic controls work in an organization as part of managing the strategy.

  1. Strategic management;

Strategic management is the act of dealing with or controlling people to achieve a specific goal or target, strategic planning and strategic management function hand in hand and involves deciding before plan what is to be done before one particular objective is achieved.

  1. Strategic thinking ;

Strategic thinking is the ability to come up with an effective strategy on how to archive a set goal; after that, a strategic plan is made under strategic management, through a strategic momentum. (Philip et al. 2002)

  1. The relationship between strategic planning, strategic thinking, and strategic management;

Healthcare institutions often face harsh and threatening environments. More often it’s due to changes. These changes are obtained from a lot of places which involve legislature and initiative policies, demographical changes in lifestyle and advances in technology plus essential healthcare production services.

  1. Strategic management in healthcare organizations/institution;

Healthcare institutions should work under the right control this has to lead to strategic planning, thinking, momentum to make genuine attempts to improve and change healthcare organizations by promoting quality results which increases motivation at the workplace and more effort is placed at work. However some approaches worked better than others, others did not work at all while others needed a period to accomplish this either way doesn’t mean that things were to be left at that since the aim was to create better health care.

  1. Theories on strategic healthcare organization;

Theories and concepts that have evolved in healthcare organizations are as follows;

  • Human resource/relations theory
  • Bureaucratic theory
  • Institutional theory
  • Resource dependency theory
  1. Value adding support strategies in healthcare organizations;

Innovation, culture, communication, and engagement are vital to proper strategic planning. However, excellent project management is also crucial for a plan. Innovation is the invention of new ideas that haven’t been used before, and culture should be part of the pan since they are guidelines that help run an organization. Communication is a significant part since there is nothing that can take place or happen without conversation,poor communication has cost lots of organizations losses rather than profits, engagement is a vital role in planning since through involvement a lot is learned, mistakes are observed and corrected thus proper planning is achieved(Andrease et al.,2002)

Strategic development has benefited healthcare since the healthcare department has become competitive and fragile, long term planning got planning replaced by planning strategically since the effort of the long term plan was that production was to continue and deliver the products.  However typical strategies’ implementation often takes considerable time, nevertheless the period is not the main contention of planning strategically, but rather the plan is proposed by the management to reduce the period.  ( Arbab Kash, B. et al.,2014).

Planning strategically, strategic thinking, strategic momentum, and strategic management has benefited healthcare organizations in ways such as:

  • Setting goals and objectives; thus the entire organization works in the desired direction.
  • Working under a budget line; Through strategic planning employees and employers work under a specific guideline so as the person who fails to gets to be accountable.
  • Increased productivity; due to strategic management workflow is smooth and employees have the morale to work thus increasing productivity.
  • Not operating under the circumstances; proper momentum and planning helps healthcare organizations to manage under visions
  • Cooperation in the organization; proper management often leads to good collaboration thus creating a conducive work environment. ( Patidar, N. et al.,2016.)

Given that there are many ways of perceiving healthcare organizations there are some traditional and more recent theoretical approaches such as;

  • Human resource theory/relations theory; is theory talks about a perspective system that is rigid on creating empowerment to people who are taking responsibility in bettering their work.
  • Bureaucratic theory; is a theory that emphasizes on the inside stages of within which systematic establishment of responsibilities

and authorities are disbursed.

  • Organizational theory; here it is an open system that supports the prosperity and success of the organization through a different environment.
  • Dependency theory; in this case, the theory argues that organizations depend on critical environmental resources to survive.


Strategies are supposed to be an enhancement of the organization for real competition by adding strength to places that the organization’s weakness is realized, value-adding strategies thus help accomplish the strategy. Value adding support strategies also help identify the competitive, appropriate strengths and weaknesses for the support of activities; this is done after service delivery strategies are formulated. Value adding support strategies major on the factors on the part that is low of the value chain; therefore, they are thus strategically formed decisions that lead to the accomplishment of the strategy.

Pre-service,point-service and after-service strategies play a significant role in achieving adaptive, directional, market entry and competitiveness in an organization. Healthcare organizations have made it easier for patients through online registration data which focusses on being adequate and friendly to the patient. Since patients don’t have to pay out-of-pocket, instead pay previous inpatient visit through the emails, patients receive from the healthcare organizations. Such offers additional services to healthcare consumers; it has to lead to the organizations also telling the clients on advantages of information in the community wants thus leading to improvement of community health.

Point of service has proven useful in over the years. Through health insurance covers, one has to pay for after a specified period, and this has been helpful mostly during emergencies when a patient has less money or no money at all to pay for the bills. It even gets more useful since a whole family including kids and expectant mothers can be covered under the health insurance cover. Insurance covers make it easier for patients to access health facilities whenever and wherever this has been one of the significant achievements in healthcare organizations since it seta a pace and almost 80% of the population are safe from failing to pay hospitals bills since the health covers are quite affordable.

After-service strategies have helped many health organizations proven marketable, while they have made others lose their patients. After service activities are the last activities, that a patient has with the organization before leaving, this includes billing, that involves the clearance for the services rendered. More often reduces customer’s complaints by 30%, since it helps a customer understand how the bill got to that, by explanation and also clarified medical words that patients don’t understand. Follow up  activities that involve check-ups, like calling the patient to see how they are doing after leaving the hospital, and if there are additional prescriptions needed,  follow up shows concern and care and follow on which basically includes medication and dosage for the patient at home and monitoring progress if at all they are responding to medication or still need further treatment, the three after service activities involve both medical and marketing  strategies. Follow up can either coat or destroy good customer relationship. ( Obeidat et al. 2017).

Pre-Service, post of service and after service has played a significant role in competitiveness. Since human beings are in nature fond of hanging around places they are well taken care of, treated and handled with care, patients often like where they are offered quality services regardless of the cost they have to incur in getting the services, harsh and unfriendly environments often push away people.  Healthcare organizations nowadays operate in very competitive atmospheres, with pressure rising to better standards and minimized spendings. In response to this situation, organizational change needs the ability to arrange for quality services revolving on the want and satisfaction of the clients.  Proper services are therefore provided to make it more favorable to the patient. Healthcare management and planning value and the agenda have reinforced components through mutual formulation. Corporate organizations have been redefined including proper outcomes and costs. Information and technology arenas have been put to place, to enhance patient-centered vision,  facilitation of access to medical records for every party included in care, standard care and costs. Although strategic healthcare management is involved, the strategic transformation has been carried out regardless of the challenges, and the results are not that bad (Holcomb et al. 2007).

Based on research, the case study concluded that strategic management with the right planning, could improve healthcare organizations with the right momentum, and conducting  the value adding  support strategies is a necessity for a sustainable growth of healthcare organizations,thus strategic planning, thinking, management and momentum, influences a high performance in healthcare organizations, aiding, therefore, long-range development plans by effectively managing them, which involves, setting realistic goals. Also based on findings strategy implementation affects performances of healthcare organizations thus it defines whether the organization will excel, fail or remain stagnant hence a successful execution and implementation of a  strong strategy will give a firm and a rigid competitive edge, strategy evaluation dramatically influences the performance of an organization, since it’s the one that informs managers about the cause of failure in achieving a particular goal. Study recommends the healthcare organizations to plan significantly as they consider changes they encounter due to the dynamically changing environments since such changes are unpredictable and may occur suddenly.


Arbab Kash, B., Spaulding, A., D. Gamm, L., & E. Johnson, C. (2014). Healthcare strategic management and the resource-based view. Journal of Strategy and Management7(3), 251-264.

The author(s) talk about how two large health systems strategically formulate and implement focusing specifically on the relation of strategic initiatives across organizations; it aims particularly on the dependence theory.

Roberts, V. (2001). Managing strategic outsourcing in the healthcare industry. Journal of Healthcare Management46(4), 239.

Author(s) in this journal are addressing the issues that healthcare faces due to lack of proper planning and management thus resulting in low-quality patient care.

Patidar, N., Gupta, S., Azbik, G., & Weech-Maldonado, R. (2016). Succession Planning and Financial  Performance: Does Competition Matter?. Journal of Healthcare Management61(3), 215-227.

In this book author(s) are talking about inadequate research existence concerning the relationship between hospital succession planning and financial performance, precisely in the context of market competition

Obeidat, B. Y., Al-Hadidi, A., Tarhini, A., & Masa’deh, R. E. (2017). Factors affecting strategy implementation: A case study of pharmaceutical companies in the Middle East. Review of International Business and Strategy27(3), 386-408.

In this particular book, the author(s) covers mostly effects of the advantages and disadvantages of opf international environment in healthcare organizations.

Holcomb, T. R., & Hitt, M. A. (2007). Toward a model of strategic outsourcing. Journal of operations management25(2), 464-481.

Author(s) in this book address strategies in healthcare management like operation strategies and many others.

Andreasen, A. R. (2002). Marketing social marketing in the social change marketplace. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing21(1), 3-13.

Andreasen here talks about how to market organizations through strategic planning and strategic management.