Healthy Diet

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Healthy Diet

Eating healthy food is always fun because you not only make yourself satisfied but also make you have a healthy life. To maintain a healthy body, we must be careful about what type of food to include in our table. Less meat on our table is a step in making sure we have a healthy diet that is beneficial to our health. However, all types of food should be balanced to prevent the case of malnutrition which is the condition that comes when we eat a diet where one or more nutrients are either less or too much. They can result in problems such as protein-energy malnutrition which occurs when one or all nutrients are deficient. Further, it can lead into micronutrient deficiency disease caused by a deficiency in given micronutrients.

Sometimes we are forced to like specific food because of the taste or emotions we have towards them. I find myself overeat meat because of the sweet smell that I get when it is being cooked. When I am hungry, I find it hard to control the type of food I am eating. Other people are driven by appetite as they consider the kind of food that tastes nice. Appetite is when one like a given food because of the taste while hunger is when one eats a type of food to get satisfied. Appetitive come with a choice, but hunger does not have a choice.

The nutrient content claim is a statement that shows us the amount of nutrient found in a given food. For example, a label can have a statement like saturated fat 0g, cholesterol 0mg, or sodium 0mg to show that the food packet contains 0 grams of fats in it. This influence my decision to consume food as I will consider the type of food that do not have fats since this is healthy to my body.

Digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth where saliva moistens the food. The salivary glands produce an enzyme called salivary amylase that breaks down the food. It passes through the esophagus to the stomach in a form known as chyme. The stomach produces hydrochloric acid that destroys any bacteria found in the chyme. It is then passed into the pancreases and then small intestines. In the pancreases, pancreatic amylase breaks chyme further before passed into small intestines where enzyme lactase, sucrase, and maltase which breaks disaccharides into monosaccharides. It is then moved to the large intestines where some are absorbed while some excreted as feces. Sometimes when the diet is less in fibre and water or when colon consumed too much, it can result in constipation where one find it hard to empty the bowels because of hardened feces.

Sources of reliable nutrition are news of the food products which we get through the advertisement over radio and television and other recognized media. They give us exact information on the best types of nutrient we should eat as they are concerned with our health. Have also encountered unreliable sources where people speak about types of food products which they do not have enough information about them.

Fats play a significant role in our body. They help the body in providing energy and also producing hormones. Eating many fats is not healthy for our body, but it should be taken in small quantity to help the body in digestion and absorption of food. They also help in the regulation of membrane permeability. Further, they help in the creation of cell membrane structure, and they form part of the eukaryotic cell. Due to this, they are regarded as the storage compounds in the body. On the other hand, complete protein is the food products that contains nine essential amino acids. Foods that contain complementary proteins include salads that are made from beans and nuts or seeds. They also consist of some considerable amount of fats that are essential in the body. Some stews made from legumes and grains are also such type of foods.