Heritage Assessment in Nursing

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Heritage Assessment in Nursing

In the healthcare sector, the main focus is usually put on patient satisfaction. Many healthcare organizations aim to help take back the patient to his/her normal life for maximum productivity. This, therefore, means that healthcare provision is tailored towards meeting the specific needs of the individual patients. Every patient has different and unique needs that should be fulfilled. Even though people come from different backgrounds and cultures and live together in a community, many of them have retained their firmly rooted beliefs, customs, and cultural practices. It is, therefore, the responsibility of healthcare providers to be open-minded and proficient when dealing with such a diverse population.This will be key to helping nurses understand the various cultures and also help meet the different patient needs. Different heritage assessments will be adopted to get information from clients regarding their health and the possible mechanisms to be adopted in addressing their healthcare needs.

Use of Heritage Assessment to Assess Psychological Data

Psychology is the state of mind. The mental state of an individual significantly influences their behavior; hence heritage assessment is vital in establishing the psychological state of individuals before the provision of health care (Spector, 2017). Heritage assessment will be applied in the evaluation of the mental illnesses of individuals in the Hispanic community and how the diseases were addressed. Also, their different states of emotions in terms of emotional triggers and how the emotional variations affect their behavior with others will be assessed. Individuals’ mental orientations will determine the kind of medical care to be provided since not all mental medical care will work for any individual. Heritage assessment will, therefore, be applied in finding out the health practices that do not match an individual’s psychological orientations to ensure that the individuals are given patient cantered mental care.

Use of Heritage Assessment to Assess Spiritual Data

Spirituality entails the religious beliefs held by individuals and in most cases controls their faith and perceptions on issues. Though Hispanics belong to one cultural group, they tend to differ in terms of their religious affiliations and ways of worship. According to Govere & Govere (2016), spiritual beliefs facilitate the healing process and should always be considered in medical interventions. Heritage assessment will be essential in determining the healthcare needs and responses based on the individual’s needs. Heritage assessment will be used in assessing the religious affiliations of the people as well as their beliefs in determining the best health care services to offer them. This assessment will help in finding out the churches they attend as well as their responsibilities in the church, and if they are strong believers in the church teachings. Also, the assessment will help in determining regulations that their religious bodies have on their dietary intakes, medical care, and wealth obsessions. Some churches and religious bodies have limitations for their congregants’ choice of meals, types of medication to be received when ill and which health care practices they should refrain from. Finding out the information will aid the healthcare professionals to administer medical care that is in line with their spirituality so that they do not only get cured but also uphold their spiritual integrity.

Use of Heritage Assessment to Assess Social Data

Human beings are social animals whose survival heavily depends on society’s social orientations that clearly outline interaction channels among individuals. Possession of social knowledge is vital for any healthcare provider as it will guide in the provision of health services that are aligned with the patient’s social and cultural beliefs. Social data relates to the social interactions with the community as well as the cultural beliefs that control individuals’ behavior. Heritage assessment will be essential in gathering social data about the Hispanic community so that inclusive medical care is prescribed to them based on their social orientations. According to Thanh Pham & Renshaw (2015), human interaction is supposed to be a beneficiary endeavor that enables individuals to get more insights that help them in making appropriate decisions on health and positive living. The heritage assessment will, therefore, establish how families relate with each other as well as the degree of benefits in terms of health aspects derived from the interactions. Also, their use of traditional medicines, the source of the medicines, administration prescriptions as well as their effectiveness will be sought.

Furthermore, the heritage assessment will be used to establish the peoples’ cultural understanding of the causes of illnesses, treatment and prevention strategies. Hispanic people have different cultural orientations despite belonging to one Hispanic group. Heritage assessment will aid in collecting data about their cultural perspectives of food preparation, food choices as well as the limitations that the various cultures impose on dietary intakes. Lastly, the assessment will seek information on some of the cultural beliefs that limit access to healthcare as well as the healthcare taboos within this community. The social data gathered will form a foundational basis for designing healthcare strategies that match the social needs and cultural beliefs of the Hispanic community.

Use of Heritage Assessment to Assess Environmental Data

Environmental aspects are important in establishing the healthcare needs of different people in society. According to Tucci, Bartoli, Betti, Bonora, Korumaz, & Korumaz (2018), evaluation of environmental factors will act as a guide in establishing which medication should be provided in a specific geographical location. Environmental data entails but not limited to individuals; surroundings, environmental conservation measures as well as the preferred medical surroundings of the people. Heritage assessment will help in establishing the place of origin of the different Hispanic people and the influence of the place on their health status. Also, environmental aspects such as pollution and overexploitation of resources that put their health at risk will be evaluated. Different communities adopt various measures to protect the environment from destructive activities, aspects that reduce exposure to environmental hazards that may have negative implications on their health. Heritage assessment will help in gathering data on some of the strategies the people have put in place to preserve their environments and their general health. Also, the preferred healthcare environments for people will be established. For instance, whether they prefer having their women deliver in hospitals or healthcare providers visiting them in their homes; whether they prefer hospital or home circumcision for their males. The data will be essential in developing a health care design that meets the environmental needs of the people as well as gaining people’s acceptance and support in the provision of healthcare services.

Use of Heritage Assessment to Assess Epidemiological Data

Various individuals are exposed to different health hazards. Epidemiological data entails information relating to diseases and infections (Tapete & Cigna, 2018). Heritage assessment will aid in the collection of data on past illness and their causes as well as prevention strategies that have been used in the past. Data on outbreaks of diseases, people affected and the possible deaths experienced will be assessed. Also, data on the factors that increase people’s risk to diseases, vulnerable groups in society and their coping mechanisms, as well as chronic diseases, will be established by the use of the heritage assessment. The data will be used to design a comprehensive health care strategy that will help in cutting the ailments while at the same time putting mechanisms in place to prevent further outbreaks.



Govere, L., & Govere, E. M. (2016). How effective is Cultural Competence Training of         Healthcare Providers on Improving Patient Satisfaction of Minority Groups? A         Systematic Review of Literature. Sigma Theta Tau International: Sigma Theta Tau      International. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Eva/Downloads/Systematic%20review%20cultural%20compentence%20t raining %20in%20healthcare%20providers%20 (1).pdf

Tapete, D., & Cigna, F. (2018). Appraisal of opportunities and perspectives for the systematic condition assessment of heritage sites with Copernicus sentinel-2 high-resolution        multispectral imagery. Remote Sensing, 10(4), 561. Doi: 10.3390/rs10040561

Thanh Pham, T. H., & Renshaw, P. (2015). Formative assessment in Confucian heritage culture classrooms: Activity theory analysis of tensions, contradictions and hybrid practices.         Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 40(1), 45-59.             doi:10.1080/02602938.2014.886325

Tucci, G., Bartoli, G., Betti, M., Bonora, V., Korumaz, M., & Korumaz, A. G. (2018). Advanced procedure for documenting and assessment of cultural heritage: From laser scanning to a finite element. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 364, 12085.       doi:10.1088/1757-899X/364/1/012085