HIV Awareness Program

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HIV Awareness Program

HIV/AIDS was declared a global epidemic quite long ago. After its declaration as a health monster, various efforts have been drummed up in combating it. Such efforts range from laboratory research to education programs by the health workers. Even with promising results from the medical research, the transmission of HIV/AIDS has been significantly reduced via the HIV awareness programs (Zakary et al., 2016). The focus of this paper is to outline the approach; the activities participated in creating awareness about HIV/AIDS.

In order to fully understand the impact of the awareness conducted, it is imperative to have a recap with the history of HIV awareness programs. Initially, the programs mostly focused on the prevention of the transmission of the disease through behavioral change. Later on, abstinence, faithfulness and the use of protective methods such as condoms was adopted. Such progress bore fruits in reducing the transmission of HIV/AIDS among adults. Although such methods were found to be effective, it was, later on, discovered that the epidemic was also influenced by political, social-cultural and other external factors (Zakary et al., 2016). Therefore, the previous approaches were revised to a holistic approach of reduction of transmission, education, and the inclusion of the mentioned factors. In other words, a combinational approach was launched.

Therefore, having laid such a foundation, the HIV awareness program carried out aimed at the combinational preventive approach of the disease. First, HIV/AIDS  has a behavioral aspect in its transmission. For this reason, behavior interventions are essential in reducing the risks of transmitting the disease by addressing risky behaviors. The behavior interventions were inclusive ways of addressing the cultural contexts within which such risky behaviors occur and the igniting people to embrace the prevention services. The response aimed to reduce the number of sexual partners a person could be being, promoting adherence to treatment for the HIV patients and increase of use clean needles and condoms to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS. The behavioral approaches taken included offering sex education to the public. The awareness involved attending and organizing public gathering within which such information would be disseminated (Zakary et al., 2016). The school-based sex education was also another approach that aimed at reducing the HIV-related risk. Educating the students is essential since equipping them with the right sex approach would encourage them to use condoms, have less sex partners and even abstain from sex at a young age.

Additionally, the biomedical intervention was used in the campaign. This involved the mixture of the clinical and medical methods to curb the transmission of HIV. Recently, male circumcision has been adopted as a biomedical intervention. However, since it is impossible to carry out circumcision in the field, education related to male circumcision was provided. Although male circumcision wasn’t provided, it is crucial to know that biomedical interventions go hand in hand with the behavioral responses. Therefore, condoms were offered as a preventive method against HIV.

The program involved HIV clients who volunteered in providing education along with the medical experts. The public was the target of the program. Such a triune system could be well described by Saul D. Alinsky who in his book Rules for Radicals gives a description of rules to be applied to effect change in society (Alinsky, 1989). The creation of awareness was aimed at creating a mass army by bringing together everyone in participation to wage against HIV.





Alinsky, S. D. (1989). Rules for Radicals: A practical primer for realistic radicals. Vintage.

Zakary, O., Rachik, M., & Elmouki, I. (2016). On the impact of awareness programs in HIV/AIDS prevention: an SIR model with optimal control. Int. J. Comput. Appl, 133(9), 1-6.