PICOT Question Evaluation Table

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PICOT Question Evaluation Table

Evaluation table

PICOT Question: The role of therapeutic patient empowerment (TPE) with an emphasis on healthy lifestyle activities compared to standard diabetes management strategies affects their health outcomes within six months.

Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
APA formatted article citation with permalink Coppola, A., Sasso, L., Bagnasco, A., Giustina, A., & Gazzaruso, C. (2016). The role of patient education in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: An overview. Endocrine, 53(1), 18-27. DOI: 10.1007/s12020-015-0775-7. Cummings et al. (2016). Gastric bypass surgery vs intensive lifestyle and medical intervention for type 2 diabetes: The CROSSROADS randomised controlled trial. Diabetologia, 59(5), 945-953. DOI: 10.1007/s00125-016-3903-x Dunbar et al. (2015). Challenges of diabetes prevention in the real world: Results and lessons from the Melbourne Diabetes Prevention Study. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 3(1), e000131. DOI: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2015-000131
How does the article relate to the PICOT question? The article discusses the  function of patient edification in the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus The study affirms that intensive lifestyle intervention that includes a healthier diet and being more physically active is integral in lowering diabetes-affiliated readmission rates and enhancing the patients’ quality of life. The article reveals the effectiveness and feasibility of patient education especially on lifestyle interventions in enhancing type 2 diabetes outcomes
Quantitative, qualitative (how do you know) Quantitative. The study employs meta-analysis and systematic review study design to methodically evaluate the findings of preceding studies to spring deductions on the body of exploration. Qualitative. The study utilises focus groups and participant observations in collecting data, and the respondents are selected to meet a given allocation. Qualitative. The study utilises focus groups and participant observations in collecting data, and the respondents are selected to meet a given allocation.
Purpose statement The study attempts to discuss the themes, regularity and amount of interaction time between instructors and patient in self-management. The study attempted to determine the efficacy of surgical and non-surgical care in type 2 diabetes treatment and prevention The article sought to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of the public health program in Australian people vulnerable to type 2 diabetes
Research question What are the perfect features of an inclusive patient edification package in medical practice regarding the management of diabetes mellitus Are lifestyle intercessions effective in the management and prevention of type 2 diabetes as compared to surgical interventions? How can healthcare practitioners integrate quality enhancement methods in practice to enhance the efficacy of diabetes inhibition intervention
Outcome The article concludes that patient education improves clinical, lifestyle and psychological outcomes of type 2 diabetes patients. The study concluded that intensive lifestyle intervention that includes a healthier diet and being more physically active is integral in lowering diabetes-affiliated readmission rates and enhancing the patients’ quality of life. The study concluded that lifestyle interventions are effective in minimising the risk of diabetes and CVD
Setting (where did the study take place) N/A The University of Washington, Group Health Research Institute (GHRI), and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre (FHCRC). Deakin University
Sample N/A 32 342
Method Meta-analysis and systematic review Experimental Randomised controlled trial


Criteria Article 4 Article 5 Article 6
APA formatted article citation with permalink Ikramuddin et al. (2018). Lifestyle intervention and medical management with vs without Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and control of haemoglobin A1c, LDL cholesterol, and systolic blood pressure at five years in the diabetes surgery study. Jama, 319(3), 266-278. DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.20813 Ostling eats al. (2017). The relationship between diabetes mellitus and 30-day readmission rates. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology, 3(1). DOI:10.1186/s40842-016-0040-x Pandey, A. (2018). Non-adherence to Lifestyle (Diet and Exercise) Modification Recommendations among the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in a Tertiary Level Hospital. Journal of Institute of Medicine, 41(2), 78-80.
How does the article relate to the PICOT question? The study reviewed the effectiveness of intensive lifestyle intervention in type 2 diabetes treatment and prevention. It revealed that educating patients on healthy lifestyles is effective in lowering diabetes-related complications and improving overall patient wellbeing. It relates to the PICOT question because it reveals the number or readmission due to lack of patient education on self-management especially among type 2 diabetes patients The article relates to the PICOT question because it reveals that patients fail to adhere to recommended lifestyle practices due to lack of self-management education
Quantitative, qualitative (how do you know) Qualitative. The study utilises focus groups and participant observations in collecting data, and the respondents are selected to meet a given allocation. Quantitative. The study uses pre-existing statistical data methodically spring deductions to answer the research question Qualitative. The study utilises focus groups and participant observations in collecting data, and the respondents are selected to meet a given allocation.
Purpose statement The article designed to compare the stability of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass applied to rigorous lifestyle and therapeutic care in attaining diabetes control targets. To determine the frequency and source of 30-day readmission rates for patients with a primary and secondary analysis of DM to those without DM The study examines the violation of lifestyle recommendations among diabetes mellitus patients in Kathmandu
Research question What are the five-year results of gastric bypass Roux-en-Y compared to lifestyle and medicinal treatment in overweight adults with type 2 diabetes Is there a relationship between standard readmission rates in patients with a primary or secondary diagnosis of DM Can adhere to lifestyle modification recommendations reduce disease burden and reduce diabetes mellitus-affiliated morbidity and mortality
Outcome The study concluded that revealed that educating patients on healthy lifestyles is effective in lowering diabetes-related complications and improving overall patient wellbeing. The exhibited an upsurge in the national readmission rate of people diagnosed with diabetes, and this is attributable to lack of education on self-management Low rate of adherence to recommended healthy lifestyle practices is credited to lack of adequate knowledge on the benefits of these healthy lifestyle practices
Setting (where did the study take place) The University of Minnesota, Columbia University Medical Centre, National Taiwan University Hospital and Min Sheng General Hospital, and The Mayo Clinic University of Michigan Health System Kathmandu
Sample 120 N/A 104
Method Experimental Meta-analysis and systematic review descriptive cross-sectional study






American Diabetes Association (2018). Statistics About Diabetes. Retrieved from https://www.diabetes.org/resources/statistics/statistics-about-diabetes?language_content_entity=en

Canadian Diabetes Association. (2013). Definition, classification and diagnosis of diabetes, prediabetes and metabolic syndrome. Canadian Journal of Diabetes37, S294.

Coppola, A., Sasso, L., Bagnasco, A., Giustina, A., & Gazzaruso, C. (2016). The role of patient education in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: An overview. Endocrine, 53(1), 18-27. doi: 10.1007/s12020-015-0775-7.

Cummings, D. E., Arterburn, D. E., Westbrook, E. O., Kuzma, J. N., Stewart, S. D., Chan, C. P., … & Flum, D. R. (2016). Gastric bypass surgery vs intensive lifestyle and medical intervention for type 2 diabetes: The CROSSROADS randomised controlled trial. Diabetologia, 59(5), 945-953. doi: 10.1007/s00125-016-3903-x

Dunbar, J. A., Hernan, A. L., Janus, E. D., Vartiainen, E., Laatikainen, T., Versace, V. L., … & Mc Namara, K. P. (2015). Challenges of diabetes prevention in the real world: Results and lessons from the Melbourne Diabetes Prevention Study. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 3(1), e000131. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2015-000131

Ikramuddin, S., Korner, J., Lee, W. J., Thomas, A. J., Connett, J. E., Bantle, J. P., … & Chong, K. (2018). Lifestyle intervention and medical management with vs without Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and control of hemoglobin A1c, LDL cholesterol, and systolic blood pressure at 5 years in the diabetes surgery study. Jama, 319(3), 266-278. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.20813

Ostling, S., Wyckoff, J., Ciarkowski, S. L., Pai, C. W., Choe, H. M., Bahl, V., & Gianchandani, R. (2017). The relationship between diabetes mellitus and 30-day readmission rates. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology3(1), 3.

Pandey, A. (2018). Non-adherence to Lifestyle (Diet and Exercise) Modification Recommendations among the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in a Tertiary Level Hospital. Journal of Institute of Medicine, 41(2), 78-80.