Sodium Intake

Sodium Intake
April 30, 2024
Speak Up Brochure
April 30, 2024
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Sodium Intake

I took the initiative of documenting the amount of sodium I took within a 24 hours period. I have documented the foods and drinks consumed on this particular day in the chart provided. In total, I consumed 2,880 mg of sodium within the 24 hours. This is equivalent to 2.88 grams.

1 mg = 0.001 g

Therefore, 2,880 mg= 2,880 x 0.001

=2.88 g

From the documentation, I think I am consuming a lot of sodium than it is required in the body. It is estimated that adult Americans consume around 3,400 mg of Sodium daily on average (Webster, 2018). This amount is way above what is recommended by relevant experts. The Institute of Medicine, abbreviated as IOM recommends that a healthy adult should be consuming 1,500 mg of sodium in a day. This is equivalent to 1.5 grams. Even so, the US Department of Health and Human Services, USDA, and IOM recommend that individuals should work on limiting sodium intake below 2,300 mg within 24 hours (Mayo Clinic, 2019). This is based on clinical studies that show continuous consumption of sodium above this level can be detrimental to one’s health.

However, this is a guideline that does not necessarily apply to highly active individuals like workers constantly exposed to heat and competitive athletes. This is because they lose excuse sodium through sweat. My 24 hours 2,880 mg is therefore high given my lifestyle. It is true that sodium is essential given that it helps to flavor food and also acts as a stabilizer and binder. Given that bacteria can’t thrive in high sodium presence,  it is also used as a food preservative(Webster, 2018). The body also needs a little amount of sodium to help in the contraction and relaxation of muscles, conduct nerve impulses, and ensure there is a suitable balance of minerals and water.

Going with the recommended amounts of sodium that and individual ought to consume per day, I think I should strive to make changes to my daily sodium intake levels. I need to take my sodium intake levels down and strive to attain the recommended amount on a daily basis. Doing this will be beneficial to my health given that excessive sodium consumption tends to increase blood pressure. By its nature, sodium tends to hold excessive fluid while in the body. As a result, this burdens the heart more. In the end, the excess sodium will amplify the risk for stroke, kidney disease, heart failure, osteoporosis, and stomach cancer (Grillo et al., 2019). This is why it will be important for me to reduce my daily sodium intake.

Limiting the daily amount of sodium intake can be tough given that around 75% of sodium that is consumed by Americans comes from prepared or processed food(Webster, 2018).  As a result, it will take effort from my side in the attempt of reducing the total sodium intake. Among the steps that I will take is to ensure that I check the nutrition facts label at all times to ensure that the food I am consuming has less sodium. Adding flavor to food without necessarily adding sodium will also go a long way coupled with the habit of buying fresh products. Rinsing some of the canned foods would also help to reduce the amount of sodium that is in the food. Reducing the portion size of my plate would also go a long way in ensuring that I am consuming the required levels of sodium.


Grillo, A., Salvi, L., Coruzzi, P., & Parati, G. (2019). Sodium Intake and Hypertension. Nutrients, 11(9), 1970.

Mayo Clinic. (2019, May 8). DASH diet: Healthy eating to lower your blood pressure. Mayo Clinic.

Webster, J. (2018). Reducing Dietary Sodium and Improving Human Health. MDPI AG.