Universal Healthcare

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Universal Healthcare

Many Americans citizen wish to have the best medical services and insurance policies but the majority are not able mainly due to financial strains on them. Only the rich can afford.This is due to upfront cost pay and many cannot afford because of high deductibles plans. To provide a suitable and affordable health care plan for all the American people policymakers and marketplace official should consider introducing or adopting a policy that is standardised to all people and should have lower cost sharing policy

By establishing this low-cost sharing policy, marketplace ensures it sells cheap-cost sharing plans to its citizens (Singh,  (2015). .I decided to call it designed health care policy for all Americans is because in this design, everyone can have access to health care services irrespective of financial status because the cost of funding is pooled from many individuals, irrespective of becoming ill or not .it’s a contribution many can afford and also gives the best quality health care plan. Health care policy for all Americans is designed health care that is universal to all people, and many will afford and also provide quality care for all while reducing the burden cost

In recent years many health plans available in the market had huge deductions which pose a severe challenge to many individuals with low and moderate income earners. (Singh,  (2015) For this individuals and families, their budgets are usually tight and adding another cost is a big burden to them. Pose a challenge where some might not be able to have access to health care service.so adopting a low level of cost sharing upfront is a big advantage to a majority of them. The current system has huge deductibles which many cannot afford or not willing to. Patients also inclined to pay after their services have been offered to them

Though the United States is one of the wealthiest nations in the world, disparities in income pose a serious challenge to the low incomer. In accessing health care services. Major reforms have been proposed to have universal health to all the American people irrespective of the economic status of families and individuals. Many policies such as Obama care have been introduced for greater accountability in obtaining and maintaining health insurance for all the Americans citizens. Universal health care policy should be available to all.One significant major problems in our country are the difference in political ideologies and health care paradigms do not address the issue on both sides.It as a burden that will put the country into a much financial crisis that it cannot afford. All people are eligible for this health care policy plan. This designed health care plan covers the following areas;

  1. Outpatient care –these are services you get without being admitted to a facility.
  2. Treatments in the hospital for many inpatient cares
  3. Care of the newborn, before your baby is born and after she or he is born
  4. Mental health and substance use disorder are covered. This includes psychotherapy, counselling and behavioural health treatment.
  5. Your prescriptions drugs
  6. Your lab tests
  7. Preventive services including counselling, screening and vaccines, and care for chronic conditions
  8. Pediatric services that include dental care and vision care for the kids


  1. Emergency services that need prompt attention

These services I believe covers the need of all the American people . Quality health care is provided and is pocket-friendly to the vast majority. These are services that are needed in a transparent health care plan.one of the innovation am including in this health care policy is that majority off all the people are covered in this policy .the poor, and the rich will have access to the same services. Gatekeepers who cannot afford high upfront deductibles can have access to it because they can afford it. All the people get high-end health care services that cover most of the care policy. Technology is used to ensure smooth remissions and also for transparency

Health care insurance in the united states can be a significant burden to some people who cannot afford it.  Paying a large amount of money when we fall sick is a big challenge to many since they do not even know when we can be sick. (Squires, & Anderson, 2015)The best way to deal with this is to ensure consumers pay the upfront premium to a health insurance company with other enrollees .majority of them do not fall sick, and the pooled amount covers those who fall ill.This policy best serves the American people because it is money saving while also people have access to affordable quality health care. Insurance companies and even government are included in this plan. Individuals do not need to pay off their pockets because most of the services are covered in this plan

My plan also includes insurance companies and they tend to read a lot from this policy because not all the pooled money goes into compensatory services in essence because not all fall sick. . (Squires, & Anderson, 2015)This plan is good because as it serves vast of the majority and also affordable, insurance companies can also benefit from the policy while still being able to operate in their health policy covers. Majority of the premiums are the fee that government and employers pay to insurance companies are deducted in their salaries .individuals can also get insurance of their own choice depending on their needs.Government play a major role in my plan because the majority of the populations are government employees. (Tangcharoensathien, Mills, & Palu, 2015)The government can increase the funding for this program through cutting expenditure on other unnecessary funding’s and directing the money towards strengthening and maintaining the policy plan .There would be cost saving built in this program because the majority will afford it and will save families financial resources in accessing health cares. One can opt out of the program or can be terminated but basing on the importance the plan has for the population, no one can ever imagine choosing out of an affordable health care plan .The average a family of four can pay I estimated is between 500-600 US dollars compared to the current system which cost around 1500 US Dollars. The current system might not also cover the very sick or those with pre-existing conditions and even the elderly.My plan is applicable in this program because all the premiums are cost-shared upfront in the system. Great funds can be saved in my plan care

My plan is just similar to the Obama care in a way .In both plans, the basic fundamental principle is the provision of affordable care to all the populations and also increase the areas covered by the policy . (Tangcharoensathien, Mills, & Palu, 2015)Insures in this market are required to charge the same premium irrespective of preexisting condition or sex.Insurers cover all the aspect of the health care plan benefits. This plan also tend to constrain health care cost while improving the quality of care to individuals

The main philosophy behind my plan was liberty. Liberty means people choose to do what they desire as long as it does not disturb the peace of others. Liberty is needed to create a stable society many Americans believe that if they had economic liberty, most of them could be successful because they have money which they can spend without straining.my plan emphasises on economic freedom because once the individual has access to affordable health care without much strain, they will live a happier life and many other benefits follow economic liberty like getting a good education for their childrenEqualiity is another philosophy behind my care plan. All American are entitled to the same opportunity and care to compete in the same world. People should be given equal or same services in health my health care plan to all individuals for good competition and success at large. Irrespective of political, socio-economic status, all individual are entitled to the same health care.


Work cited

Singh, D. A. (2015). Essentials of the US health care system. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Squires, D., & Anderson, C. (2015). US health care from a global perspective: spending, use of services, prices, and health in 13 countries. The Commonwealth Fund15, 1-16.

Tangcharoensathien, V., Mills, A., & Palu, T. (2015). Accelerating health equity: the key role of universal health coverage in the Sustainable Development Goals. BMC Medicine13(1), 101.