Workplace Violence in Nursing

Nursing Philosophy Paper
April 23, 2024
Nursing Practice
April 23, 2024
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Workplace Violence in Nursing

This topic is important since there are varied factors that contribute to this situation, like working with people having a history of violence, among other things. The healthcare sector also tends to have a high rate of serious workplace violence compared to the average in the private industry (Mann, 2018). Employees in nursing homes, hospitals, and other relevant healthcare settings are subjected to significant workplace violence risks.

The nursing workplace tends to receive the most serious and aggressive violence tendencies. Despite caregivers putting efforts towards enhancing patient-centered care, patients and their relatives still end up being violent and aggressive towards them on numerous occasions (Mann, 2018). The current laws do not provide enhanced penalties towards all the areas related to nursing hence allowing for the prevalence of this tendency. Mann (2018) asserts that staff education has also not been highly developed to help nurses identify patients with potentially violent behaviors and identifying their own behaviors that are likely to trigger patients into violence. Violence against nurses has become more common than it should be. There ought to be varied interventions being introduced to help deal with this issue. Nurses need to be provided with education that helps them to be proactive in their line of duty. There ought to be several interventions that they can use to help reduce the instances of aggression and violence being experienced currently.

Gender-based violence is prevalent in the nursing workplace, whereby women tend to be more on the receiving end compared to men. Women are always regarded as being inferior, where they are always in a position of submission, and they usually face resistance from individuals that want to maintain this subordination, which is the root of gender violence (Kropf et al., 2014). Violence towards women is based on inequality and hierarchy of various social aspects, and this is why violence tendencies increase as the male power is threatened. Gender-based violence continues to hold ground since most women fear to report due to the likely reprisals from the aggressors. According to Kropf et al., 2014, violent acts towards women can be experienced in the form of sexual violence, physical violence, psychological violence, patrimonial violence, and violence involving neglect or deprivation. It is important to ensure that there is deconstruction of historical gender roles to help reduce the extent of violence that women tend to experience.

Violence towards nurses is influenced by different factors such as age, burnout, length of clinical practice, and maternal rejection. Burnout and maternal rejection can easily influence the communication taking place between residents and caregivers negatively hence resulting in increased violence (Isaksson et al., 2008). Nurses that have not been practicing for long periods tend to avoid scenarios likely to elicit violence due to their limited skills in mitigating violence. Experienced caregivers on the other hand tend to immerse themselves in aggressive situations due to their experience; hence are likely to be involved in more violent situations (Isaksson et al., 2008). However, personality traits do not seem to contribute to the extent to which caregivers become prone to violence.

In conclusion, Employees in nursing homes, hospitals, and other relevant healthcare settings are subjected to significant workplace violence risks. The nursing workplace tends to receive more violent tendencies compared to other industries. Gender and other attributes like age, burnout, and maternal rejection have significant influence on the rate of violence involved.


Isaksson U, Graneheim UH, Richter J, Eisemann M, &Åström S. (2008). Exposure to violence in relation to personality traits, coping abilities, and burnout among caregivers in nursing homes: a case-control study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 22(4), 551–559.

Kropf Gonçalves, T., Lemos, A., & Tocantins, F. R. (2014). Women, Violence, and Nursing: Bibliometric Study. Journal of Nursing UFPE / Revista de Enfermagem UFPE, 8(8), 2864–2871.

Mann, C. (2018). Violence against Nurses. Kansas Nurse, 93(1), 14–17.