Community healthcare bias

Community Settings for Family Health Care Nurse
April 19, 2024
Community Intervention
April 19, 2024
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Community healthcare bias

Part 1: reflect on how those experiences from the discussion post impact your nursing practice now?

The concept of diversity is one of the elements that have always played a critical role in healthcare delivery. As a nursing professional, The idea of difference that still leads in the healthcare giving include the concept of gender, age,  culture, race and sexual orientation for the patients that need that care.  A nurse must be ready to face the various challenges that come with providing the care services to a diverse society with diffracting elements and factors that control the interrelationship among the individuals in the community.  Moreover, working in multicultural environment implies that as a nurse,   there is a need to be familiar and comfortable in dealing with situations that are against a specific cultural practice to create a level of professionalism in the community.

As a nurse,   it becomes necessary to familiarize oneself with the cultures and background of a patient before a prescription of medication. In this case, there is a need to ensure that background checks up is done to the patient in a particular way to determine if he or she is familiar with a specific practice and whether one particular method of nursing goes against his or her beliefs. The culture in which an individual has been brought up determines his or her ability to provide proper healthcare to the patients without having limitations based none the beliefs. According to the scenario five, being taught the need to respect the aged and ensure that they get adequate care becomes a significant factor that determines the extent of the relationship that should exist in the nursing practice. It calls s for the desire to create a nursing environment which upholds the beliefs of the society and ensures that the care delivery is always in harmony with the needs of the surrounding community.

As a nurse, having the power and knowledge to understand the specific needs of different individuals in their society becomes a factor of professionalism. For an instant, knowing the medical attention required for the aging population is an element of nursing practice that would ensure that there is centime care for across all the ages in healthcare delivery. Moreover, the ability to understand the specific demand of different patient based on cultural diversity and other forms of differentiation becomes one step towards defining the role of care delivery in the health institution. As a nurse, therefore,   there is a need to ensure that the background check covers all forms of unique traits that will demand a provision of specialized care to the patient without limiting the extent to which the practice can go

A further reflection of the diversity scenario reveals that the need to understand the changing trends in the society especially that which is based on age beliefs and culture becomes the primary area of focus. In this case, a step towards understanding the influence of the increasing number of aging population and their efforts towards better healthcare delivery becomes the responsibility of a professional nurse. The changing trends in the community provide an opportunity for a licensed nurse to understand the different care needs that must be submitted to ensure that the city remains healthy. The aging population for the instant, require many care nurses to the old aged to help them a career with their normal life in the most appropriate way.

Discuss what aging biases you have witnessed &/or perpetrated.

There are different forms of aging biases that are currently present in the nursing practice is so prevalent in the health sector.  Age discrimination is the failure by the healthcare providers to identify the specific needs of the aging population that can prolong their lives in the care delivery. They are based on specific measures that do not help to cater for the health needs of the aging population. It is a fact that the increasing number of old American community implies that more intensive care facilities should be established. However, such facilities are lacking, and the healthcare provider has not provided a better way of ensuring that the services are aligned towards the aging population.

Most nurses tend not to offer the required nursing services that address the risk factors that come with age. At around age 65, there is a need to address the specific needs of the aged population, especially those to do with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and other cardiovascular infections that are common among the old community. Addressing such medical issues result in ensuring that there is proper care for the aging population. The biasness that comes as a result of nurses not willing to go an extra mile in addressing the existing conditions for the old age is one of the issues that need to be discussed in the healthcare delivery for the sake of ensuring efficiencies in the healthcare delivery.

Further analyses of the biases that exist in healthcare delivery include the fact that most nurses have a negative attitude towards aged individuals. In this case, they do not see their worth and tend to view them in terms of burden to their families. They, therefore, do not get medical attention to care for their health in the healthcare facilities.  This has always limited the concept of diversity in healthcare since there is no acceptance among the nurses on the kinds of services that they need to offer to the aged population. This factor has therefore limited the concept of diversity in the healthcare delivery. It continues to create a challenge in the service care and the solution to the increasing demand for healthcare services among the aged population.

Other biases that come with age are the concept that they tend too much to observe their beliefs and religion. Old individuals may not be flexible to the new practices and may not accept medical procedures that do not conform to their culture, faith or religion. This makes it difficult for nurses to deal with them in terms of care services. Moreover, it makes them feel not free to handle the old individuals, therefore, making the increased level of biasedness in the health institution real. The biasedness in among the nurses comes as a result of the attitude that they develop when dealing with aged individuals. It, therefore, becomes necessary to ensure that the nursing practitioner develops a positive attitude towards al, the old patients through the process of embracing diversity in the caregiving in the health institutions.

Community education plan to address aging bias

There is a need to address the significant biasedness that exist in the healthcare sectors. The issue of biasedness based on age in the health institution is based on a conventional belief about the age’s population. There are specific steps that can be used to change the attitude towards care support and care to give to the old community. The education program should make individuals understand the care needed for the old age.

The fact that many individuals are afraid of being old reveals the king of biasedness that the ancient people of the society face. In this case, they do not get proper attention and proper care. The community education program should focus on the needs of the elderly and ensure that their medical needs are well known to the community and the nursing fraternity to improve healthcare delivery. The fact that they need severe nursing care makes them among the vulnerable members of the society that all efforts should focus on.  The understanding and the education program should  address the attention care they need,

As a nurse, among the key aspects that should be taught to treat the bias issues among the community include the medical needs of the elderly. In this case, the specific focus of attention should be the maintenance of the complications that come with old age. Key among them is the disabilities that occur to an individual, and the support of the chronic conditions that are common to individuals during the early age .the support should also focus on the basic practices and the efforts to make them feel loved as they carry out their normal activities during the old generation.

The creation of policies that handle the needs of the aged individuals becomes a significant priority in the educational program for the society; in this case, there is a need to ensure that the efforts of the concerns of the aging individual are addressed in the health sector. It becomes necessary to provide that there is a proper training mechanism that ensures that the nurses change their attitude towards handling the old aged individuals. This implies that these nurses need to understand the importance of appropriate medical care for a diverse society. It creates professionalism and quality service delivery in all healthcare institutions without straining the services.


The need to ensure that there is a professionalism culture in the nursing profession implies that there is a   way of providing that diversity in service delivery becomes a priority. It is a process of ensuring that the method allows everyone to feel safe and secure as it helps to drive the change towards a universal healthcare delivery. There are many forms of discrimination in healthcare services. Key among them is racism, gender biases, and religion discrimination among others. As a professional nurse, ensuring that the care caters to every individual becomes a way of improving service delivery. The aging individuals face tremendous discrimination in the healthcare sector. The bias comes about due to the negative attitude that exists in against their attention crave. Ensuring that they are in a position to access the medical care and nursing becomes a priority, and it will help to transform the health institutions and create a feeling of diversity in the care support.