Community Settings for Family Health Care Nurse

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Community Settings for Family Health Care Nurse

Community health nursing takes place in various settings like preventing illness, promoting and maintaining health as well as restoring, coordinating, managing and evaluating the care for individuals, communities, and families. For instance, in the community settings care is focused on maximizing the individual potential for self-care regardless of any illness or injury. The change in health care services has led to variations in nursing care to the community and mainly home. Therefore, the changing healthcare systems have made nurses to be involved in various facilities like community nursing centers, home/community education, public health departments and nurse home visiting programs.

The changes in healthcare have led to increased community-based nursing exercise together with developing different models for managed care. The development of community nursing centers appears to be responding to the shift in the locus of attention. Nurses have a lot of desire in controlling their practice, where many chose to advance nurse-managed points as a means of attaining such regulation. Today there are many community nursing centers meaning that the facilities can be easily accessed (Campbell, 2017). The emphasizes on communal-based care has led to increasing the desire for nurses providing attention across settings or those with valuation and intervention knowledge established on ideologies of public health.

Home visiting programs comprises of nurses who are more concerned in improving access to healthcare providers. Home visiting programs include partnering with clinicians/pediatricians, working in the home setting for the provision of essential education as well as supportive services to children and families at risk together with improving adherence to medical treatment regimens and prevention (Lewis et al., 2014). Therefore, home visitation programs have to be combined into the society existing healthcare structure, expand the efficiency of private providers, public health nurses and health maintenance organizations.

Public health departments have the responsibility of protecting and promoting health as well as prevention of disease and injury. For instance, public health services are based on population means that they are focused on improving the health status of individuals (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2015). Therefore, for accomplishing of the critical task, public health departments have to balance three key government care functions. The essential health functions include evaluating the health needs of the society, investigating the existence of health effects and dangers in the community as well as scrutinizing the factors of identified care requirements

Community and home education programs play the leading role in avoiding disease and injury, improves health and enhances life quality. Therefore, educational programs and strategies play an important in reaching better health practices and objectives. Educational community-based programs are aimed at achieving people beyond old health care settings like worksites, upkeep facilities, schools, and families. The programs inspire and enhance wellness by educating people on topics like chronic diseases, substance abuse, physical activity, mental illness, and nutrition. For any society to advance their health, the residents must transform the aspects of organizational, social, political and physical environments to eliminate or decrease the factors contributing to health or introducing new elements for promoting better health.

Ways in Which A Family Health Nurse Is Useful

Family health nurses are specialists who spend much time working in the patient’s home. Family health nurses are critical when it comes to providing home-based care. First, family health nurse assists individuals together with their families in coping with chronic disability and illness or even during periods of distress through spending the most time working in patients’ homesteads(Kaakinen et al., 2018). The second importance of family health nurse is that they are involved in offering advice on behavioral and lifestyle risk factors together with helping families with matters regarding health. Through detecting of prompts, family health nurses help in treating health problems at an early stage. The third importance of family health nurse is assisting in identifying the effects of socioeconomic factors on household health and referring the patients to the suitable agency.  Because of knowledge on public health and social issues or other agencies, family health nurses facilitate early discharge from the hospital through the provision of nursing care at home means that they act as the lynchpin between the family and physician.



Campbell, J. C. (2017). Public-health conceptions of family abuse. In Abused and battered (pp. 35-47). Routledge.

Kaakinen, J. R., Coehlo, D. P., Steele, R., & Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research. FA Davis.

Lewis, V. A., Colla, C. H., Schoenherr, K. E., Shortell, S. M., & Fisher, E. S. (2014). Innovation in the safety net: integrating community health centers through accountable care. Journal of general internal medicine29(11), 1484-1490.

Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2015). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community. Elsevier Health Sciences.