Safety and Quality Standards of Healthcare

Couples, Family and Group Counselling
April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024
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Safety and Quality Standards of Healthcare


The National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards aims at protecting patients from harm. They ensure that in the provision of care, safety, ethics and other regulations are followed all with the aim of providing quality patient-centred care. For healthcare facilities to be accredited, they must meet the different standards. Accreditation is achieved after an independent assessment to ensure there us a continuous improvement in the provision of care. This paper will look at a case scenario and show how specific standards ensure safety, ethics and regulations are observed.

Part A: Safety

  1. Standard 1 and 2

Quality and standard 1 and 2 are concerned with clinical governance as well as partnering with consumers. Standard 1 ensure there is provision of high quality health care (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2017). This standard can ensure the safety of Natalia when admitted in the rural hospital by ensuring the environment of care is safe. The standard also ensures that the clinical workforce has the skills and qualifications to handle the care Natalia requires. Again, the overall safety of Natalia is observed at all times by ensuring quality systems are integrated.  For Natalia, standard 2 will ensure that there is an effective partnership between her and the providers of healthcare. By ensuring Natalia is provided with the right information to the extent she chooses, the care provided will be based on her choices. Natalia should thus be involved in the planning, delivery, design and evaluation of services provided to her.

  1. Standard 3,4 and 5

Standards 3, 4 and 5 are relevant for Natalia in that they ensure that medication history is recorded, medicines reviewed, health-associated infections prevented, and care provided aligns with the needs of Natalia. With Natalia’s health history, she is at risk of hospital-acquired infections and has specific healthcare needs. The fact that Natalia does not seem to understand her risk shows she exhibit signs of unpredictable behaviour, and thus, situations of high risk to her should be identified. Natalia also has a history of several healthcare problems, which indicates her care can be handled by several individuals. With this, it is important for there to be collaboration within the medical team.

  1. Standard 6, 7 and 8

I can demonstrate that I am following standard 6, 7 and 8 by ensuring all aspects of communication are done as per the hospital procedures, ensure all blood products are stored and administered appropriately as well as effectively monitor Natalia for instances of deterioration as per hospital monitoring procedures and policies.

Part B: Regulation

  1. Standard 1 and 2

When providing care to Natalia, I would ensure that all cultural requirements are observed and hospital procedures are followed as pertains to policies and regulations. Again, I would use the best available evidence when providing care by drawing from experiences, actions as well as feelings to develop effective practice. I would maintain a professional relationship with Natalia and collaborate effectively with Natalia in the provision of healthcare. This would involve communicating effectively with the patient as well as other healthcare providers for collaborative practice.

  1. Standard 3,4 and 5

To demonstrate that I am achieving standard of practice 3, 4 and 5, I would respond effectively to my wellbeing to ensure I am fit to provide care to others (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016). I would also respond effectively and constructively to any feedback and review provided and take it as opportunities for improvement. I will also ensure that the assessment of patients observes cultural practices as well as partners with other relevant people to assess and plan based on resources available. For every patient, I will consider the assessment results and resources available to come up with a plan of care, which I will update regularly to facilitate effective patient-centred care.

Standard 6 and 7

A major strategy to achieve standard of practice 6 and 7 is to observe all regulations pertaining to practice as well as hospital procedures and policies. Again, I would delegate care when appropriate and provide effective supervision. Another major strategy will be to monitor the progress of patients based on the agreed outcomes and then revise the plan appropriately. This is, however, based on the effective recording of patient’s information. The health priorities and outcomes should also be communicated to relevant persons while still observing privacy if information.

Part C: Legal and Ethical Aspects of Care

Natalia is a Spanish woman which shows that her cultural values are significant in the provision of care. Ethically, all patient centred and family values should be considered. Given Natalia’s age and medical history, it would be appropriate to consider the views of her family. Natalia experiences pain regularly, and it is her right to have the pain managed. I will thus apply hospital pain management policies and effective practice to manage her pain. Simple aspects such as keeping her warm, avoiding walking and avoiding heavy meals will ease her pain. Given her medical history, I would effective diagnosis, and treatment of any health issues should occur to avoid misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose, which can both be unethical.


It is significant that all nurses are aware of the health and cultural needs of patients within the communities they work in. This involves understanding the quality and safety standard, practice standards, as well as the ethical and legal frameworks of healthcare provision in Australia. The provision of healthcare should be centred on the needs of the patients and effective practice.




Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. (2017). National Safety and quality health service standards. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016). Registered nurse standards for practice. Retrieved 16 August 2019, from