
April 23, 2024

Virus Diseases: Transmission, Symptoms Treatment and Prevention

Viruses discovered not long ago by our science. This happened in the late nineteenth century and only in the mid-twentieth century that one of them was first visualized. An essential feature revealed by microscopy was that viruses are acellular organisms (which do not have cells). Diseases caused by viruses develop […]
April 23, 2024

Autoimmune Diseases: Types And Causes

Autoimmune diseases, as the name suggests, generate itself. Now, how can a disease occur by itself without any medium? The answer to this is your immune system. The primary role of the immune system is to protect your body from the disease generating cells. Whenever a foreign disease cell enters […]
April 23, 2024

Universal Healthcare

Many Americans citizen wish to have the best medical services and insurance policies but the majority are not able mainly due to financial strains on them. Only the rich can afford.This is due to upfront cost pay and many cannot afford because of high deductibles plans. To provide a suitable […]
April 23, 2024

Pediatric Field Experience Paper

The process of assessing young children is very challenging. This is due to their high level of activeness, short periods of attention, quick distractions, fear of strangers, and lack of consistency in their performance levels when in new environments (Sudhakar, 2016). Some of the other critical factors that may impact […]