
sample papers

April 29, 2024

Complex Adult Health

Supporting the welfare of a patient’s family is a vital agenda in cancer care and is part of a global initiative to improve family-centered care. Working with families in such settings has been linked to improved health outcomes for patients (Zaider et al., 2016). A successful partnership means that the […]
April 29, 2024

Barriers to Communication

At some point, I was caring for a patient that had soiled her diapers. The patient did not want any male changing her, but there were no female attendants that would change her immediately. I explained the situation to the patient, but she reiterated that she would wait until a […]
April 29, 2024


Description Asthma is a longstanding condition that involving the functioning of airways in the lungs and is one of the respiratory disorders. The airways become narrow, swells and produce mucus which then blocks air supply making it hard to breath and prompts wheezing, coughing and breath shortness. While for some […]
April 29, 2024

Abortion Controversy

Introduction Much debate about abortion lies in the disagreement about when life begins. The pro-life group argues that life begins at conception and thus abortion is a deprivation of life and thus immoral and unethical. On the other hand, the pro-choice group argues that life begins at birth and thus […]