
sample papers

April 29, 2024

Public Health Data

As a public health nurse, after determining the necessity for a mass inoculation program, the public health information I would use to justify this need includes the number of people presenting with the new influenza strain, it’s mortality rate, the demographic statistics, cost involved, how it spreads and whether the […]
April 29, 2024

Principles for Appropriate Use of Healthcare Technology

Healthcare in the 21st century is embracing technology in various ways to reduce costs, improve patient outcomes, streamline operations and even as a method for medical professionals like doctors to advertise their practices. It is not uncommon nowadays for people to find full procedures especially in the areas of plastic […]
April 29, 2024

Preterm Births in Latin Americans

Prematurity or preterm birth occurs when a child is born before the lapse of the 37th month of pregnancy. It is the most common problem in obstetric medicine in the United States. Preterm birth occurs when a baby is born before the end of the full pregnancy term.  Prematurity is […]
April 29, 2024


Poliomyelitis, commonly called polio is a disease cause by poliovirus that attacks the nervous system and causes paralysis of even death if it is not detected on time. The World health Assembly in 1988 called for efforts towards worldwide eradication of polio worldwide which has helped to reduce the number […]