
sample papers

April 23, 2024

Couples, Family and Group Counselling

Introducing the Client and Presenting Problems The clients are Penny’s family who are experiencing a range of problems and are interested in knowing the probability and applicability of couple, family and group counselling for her family. Sam is Penny’s husband of five years. They are of different cultural and backgrounds. […]
April 23, 2024

Mental Health Nursing

MENTAL HEALTH NURSING Mental health has been a topic that people shy away from but has gained a lot of popularity especially in the 21st century. The quarantine period associated with the Corona virus has brought to light the need to address the issues of mental health. This paper will […]
April 23, 2024

Medicare over Managed Care

Since its inception during the tenure of President Barrack Obama, Medicare has experienced its share of criticism and comparison with other forms of medical insurance plans. The most common debate has to be the need to have Medicare for all as opposed to having citizens have private health insurance covers. […]
April 23, 2024

Medical Ethics in Abortion

Medical Ethics in Abortion (Patil et al., 2014) The article above discusses the issue of abortion using medical ethics principles. This includes analyzing the ethics surrounding the termination of pregnancy, the dilemmas concerning aborting of a malformed fetus, and the right to life of both mother and fetus. The author […]