
sample papers

April 23, 2024

Developing Reflexive Practitioner Reflection

Part A: Introduction and Research Design Research aim The aim of this research is to make sense of feelings and emotions. In any practice, emotions and feelings are significant in that they can affect the decision-making process. When a decision has to observe fairness and ethical practice as prescribed in […]
April 23, 2024

Depression Analysis

Introduction Depression as defined by the Mental Health Foundation (n.d.) is a common mental health problem that causes low moods, feelings of low self-esteem and guilt, loss of pleasure/interest, loss of appetite and poor concentration among other issues. When long lasting with severe or moderate intensity, depression can become a […]
April 23, 2024

Defensive Medicine

New healthcare reforms have been brought about by the increase in healthcare costs due to the current economic environment. One of these reforms that is an issue of debate involves defensive medicine and its effect on the healthcare system. Defensive medicine is the practice of running medical tests, consultations or […]
April 23, 2024

Critical Competence Review

Introduction The critical analysis will focus on the competences of collaborative practice, teamwork and leadership as they are fundamental in ensuring patient safety as dictated by the Francis Report. While collaborative practises, teamwork and leadership are necessary for healthcare; my gap analysis proforma reveals that these are my weak points […]