
sample papers

April 19, 2024

Community Analysis and Nursing Diagnosis

A community’s health analysis is always a vital tool in advancing the health of a community. During the assessment period, the body tasked with the assessment identifies community health needs, patterns of health responses and trends in health care use, and the available resources in the community which can be […]
April 19, 2024

Daily Nursing Activities

Nursing, as a professional that is within healthcare, consists of many daily activities that a clinical person needs to perform regularly. The events done by nurses mostly focus on the care of people and families so that to help keep them in functional health status. As a nurse practitioner, I […]
April 19, 2024

Global Nursing Shortage

One of the major areas of global concern in health care is the shortage of nurses. While relevant authorities are doing their level best to reduce its far-reaching impacts, a lot of regions continue to face immense challenges. Because of the lean workforce available, nurses are often the subject of […]
April 19, 2024

Community Policing on Drugs And Juvenile Delinquency

Community and social services that are currently used in juvenile cases are those aimed at eliminating criminal gang membership. They include substance abuse counseling, management of anger, community service projects, recreational activities access, leadership development among others. These concerted efforts are aimed at ensuring that juvenile offenders are monitored to […]