
sample papers

April 23, 2024

Patients Bill of Rights Final

      Outline Introduction Body The health organizations and practitioners should not discriminate against any of their clients. Besides, the patient’s information should be protected. It is stipulated in the patient’s bill of rights that the patients should be treated with respect when they attend the health facilities. The […]
April 23, 2024

Patient Case Study

Section 1 Introduction The case patient is called Joy Smith. Her body weight is 88kgs. Her past medical history shows that she has already been diagnosed with hypertension, atherosclerosis, and osteoarthritis. Besides, her surgical history shows that she had a left total knee replacement in 2010. In 2009, a percutaneous […]
April 23, 2024

Avoiding Patient’s Resistance to Antimicrobial Therapy

Antimicrobial drugs are prescribed and used by patients to either treat or prevent infections caused by bacteria. Unfortunately, the bacteria change with time in response to the antibiotics and become resistant to the drugs making the antibiotics ineffective in treating the infections. According to WHO, the antimicrobial resistance threatens the […]
April 23, 2024

Increasing Medication Compliance in Psychiatric Patients

Project Name and Completion Person I) Project Name: Increasing Medication Compliance in Psychiatric Patients. II) Project Started: 12th Mar 2019 III)       Project Duration: 5 Months IV) Completed by: 13th Aug 2019 Project Purpose The primary underlying principle for this project is to increase the medication compliance of the psychiatric patients […]