
sample papers

April 24, 2024

The Abortion Rights Controversy

Abortion still remains to be among the most provocative and controversial topics in society today. The process of abortion entails the termination of pregnancy, which results in the death of the fetus or embryo. There are people that view abortion as a justifiable action while others view it as murder. […]
April 24, 2024

Ethical Reflection

My experience was based on a nurse who called the father of a patient contemplating suicide without consent. While HIPAA provides guidelines on maintaining patient privacy, the patient was still a minor and contemplating suicide more so due to the fear of what the father might do. The nurse felt […]
April 24, 2024

A Three Day Diet Record

A Three Day Diet Record Food intake Record for (name): (initials only)                                       Date:26th July 2020 Day of week: SundayPhase/Visit: skip       Time Foods and Beverages Amount Reviewer notes 9:30am Apple Wood smoked uncured bacon 2 thin slices     Butter milk pancakes with Maple syrup 3 slices     Grape juice […]
April 24, 2024

Workplace Violence in Nursing

Thesis Employees in nursing homes, hospitals, and other relevant healthcare settings are subjected to significant workplace violence risks. Overview This topic is important since there are varied factors that contribute to this situation, like working with people having a history of violence, among other things. The healthcare sector also tends […]