
sample papers

April 23, 2024

A Nurse’s Personal Philosophy

A nurse’s personal philosophy on nursing is a combination of their beliefs, values and principles in relation to practice (Kristoffersen, 2019). In order to describe my personal nursing philosophy, I will use guiding questions such as what nursing means to me, what is the nursing environment and who my clients […]
April 23, 2024

Overview of U.S Health Care System

Healthcare reimbursement in United States is a hybrid of public and private, and for profit and non-profit insurers. With so many players involved, the healthcare system is uncoordinated and fragmented. The cost of healthcare has also continued to rise with the quality far from ideal. The past two decades have […]
April 23, 2024

Nursing Research Critique

Background of the study Cummings et al. (2016) tried to validate data showing that RYGB enriches type 2 diabetes with randomised trials paralleling surgical and non-operative treatments. Participants were type 2 diabetes patients,comprising those with a BMI <35kg/m2. The objective of the study was to verifythe efficiency of nonsurgical and […]
April 23, 2024

Nursing Practice

Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual. Over time, extensive changes have been experienced in nursing practice. The changes in nursing have introduced diversity in nursing practice. The profession has become accommodative […]